in Athens

Photography by Myrofora Ch.

Opinions are divided when it comes to graffiti, whether it is considered vandalism or an art. There are two types of people, some who believe that graffiti is a way of decorating walls to give color to the colorless side of town and on the other hand there are others who believe that it is simply smeared and vandalizes acts.

In this case we are going to analyze two amazing graffitis and how people observe and react to them.

The first graffiti is about a year old and reflects to a dog symbol of the protests in Athens, "Loukanikos". "Loukanikos" is a dog that has been located in the front row, for many years, at all the protests made in the Constitution against the policemen. Last May, "Loukanikos" died because of excessive chemicals reaction in its body by the police tear gas. This revolutionary behavior of the dog, became known in many magazines, sites and channels in Greece and all around the world. So to honor his memory three guys that are involved with graffiti decided to make this small tribute to "Loukanio". The graffiti reflects to the dogs huge eyes and the look of disappointed.

The dog is surrounded by flames and tear gas. Left and right are two slogans written by the artists, wanting them to show their feelings with a story hidden behind the graffiti. According to a few people the graffiti is considered  as a vandal act and these people only see an empty wall as they are uninterested in graffiti's, but most see it as a work of art.

The second graffiti is in the western suburbs of Athens, at the 1st Primary School of Nikaia, where the students , School of Fine Arts of Athens drew there latest street graffiti, the Amazon. This graffiti is very large and imposing, and it took  half  a month to complete. The graffiti depicts two colored children, where their face are divided in two different colors depicting two different nationalities. In the background  there are depicted a number of animals that are found in the Amazon forest. A graffiti that seems to attracted the attention of the world, with some people not agreeing to this point of view  so they  prefer to vandalize writing over it with propaganda slogans. The president of the school parents association says that the parts of the graffiti that have been vandalized will be overprinted by the students. 

 Through these graffiti's we can detect the beauty that graffiti has to offer us, an elegant graffiti in the city, and on the other hand  the vandalized character of a graffiti.













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